This is a core page for A Creative Spanko Wench family of sites. |
07/18/10 |
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Welcome to the gallery Flash note 7/18/20107/18/2010. On July 8 2010 this year someone hacked the data base for Patty's Gallery Blog. In spite of two days of trouble shooting with server customer support I have not been able to restore the whole page. I still have access to the posts on the server and will try to create a sub directory here with some of the better posts, poems and stories. I'll upload the chapters of the stories that existed only on the blog here and place links to them on the new Blog site that I created yesterday. New Blog Site Because of spammers who have discovered slim ways to use the feedback page of this site I have disabled it and hopefully have closed to back door to time wasting deletions. If you want to offer suggestions, ideas or other kinds of feedback about this site, please use my e-mail address.
This site was last updated 07/18/10